More Kaizen

Olfactory Anchoring (OA)

All throughout human history we can see the continuous desire of the individual, groups, communities, countries, nations and we believe the species, for continuous development.

Life is not about specific goals or targets, although these are of great importance, rather life is the ‘experience’ of the journey and whether its marked by exceptional highs or lows economically, socially even spiritually is linked to the extent or lack there of, of human potential.


What is >Kaizen?

>Kaizen as a ‘toolset’ was created to help people experience success in business but it soon became clear the same tools improve you potential across many fields of endevour. One common thread we discovered was that the greatest developments always build upon the work of other great innovators >Kaizen is built upon the shoulders of giants and yet offers its own distinct addition to the course of human peak performance.

Let’s look into our lineage...

1970's - Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP)

Bandler & Grinder: Sometimes a whole new field is discovered

1980's - Neuro Associative Conditioning (NAC)

Tony Robbins: Sometimes practitioners identify a core ‘truth’ veiled in original materials

2010's - Olfactory Anchoring (OA)

Jordan Belfort: Sometimes a fresh insight emergies that creates space for fresh thinking

Today - More Kaizen

Jeffrey & Tanguy: Once in a while, there is a seismic change.

A travel through time

How we got here

In the early 2000 while exploring route to maximise his own potential one of our Co Founders wondered why we had so many different solutions to fix the one real problem that exists in life, how to become the very best version of you across all areas of your life. >Kaizen combined Kinesthetic, Neural, Patterning (KNP) with cutting edge technology and deep learning to create the >Kaizen Platform your route to success at Work, Life and Play.

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